Walking Sticks
Walking sticks are useful for people who may be at risk of falling. They take less weight off the lower body than crutches and place greater pressure on the hands and wrists.
Single point sticks are the most common. They are available with a variety of handle designs to suit the individual user.
Tripod or Quad sticks are used by people who require more support as they respectively have a larger base.
Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Walking Stick Crook Handle
Walking Stick Devon Handle
Walking Stick Flexyfoot
Walking Stick Flexyfoot Folding
Walking Stick Floral Folding
Walking Stick Offset Handle
Walking Stick Palm Grip Left Hand
Walking Stick Palm Grip Right Hand
Walking Stick Quad Large Base
Walking Stick Quad Pyramid Base
Walking Stick Quad Small Base
Walking Stick Swan Neck